Well folks today we are going to voyage about “PARADOX OF PLACE” it is quite very simple to understand and elaboration of that though is a brief one.

But there’re a lot of things to be understood from that if we analogize it with our “UNIVERSE” as well.

Let us know what is……..


1. History of the paradox:


A Greek philosopher named Zeno of Elea who was successful in explaining paradoxes in philosophy. There were list of paradoxes called Zeno’s paradox. Zeno was successfully explained his paradoxes but some of them failed. 


The paradox of place one among it falls under Physics domain because it includes the criteria with matter as well.

About this paradox:

Let us consider an object which occupies place in space the place occupied by the object itself occupies a place in space as well which leads us to infinitum of place.

It will be easy with an analogy

Consider an apple kept in a basket. Now the apple occupies a place in basket, the basket itself occupies place itself were it kept for this instance say a table, table occupies place in room, and the room in house, the house in a street, the street in a city, the city in a state……………………………….as I mentioned before place itself occupies a place it leads us until universe and we stumble there once after reaching the universe (in the sense a place in space) because we doesn’t know where the universe took its place, even we know that still it keep goes on!